Donate to Hunter Fighter Collection Inc.
Hunter Fighter Collection Incorporated (HFC) is a registered Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and has ATO deductible gift recipient (DGR) status. A donation of $2 or more is tax deductible in Australia.
HFC is the custodian of a significant Aircraft Collection and we are committed to preserving Australia’s Aviation History. Your donation will help fund the restoration and preservation of our Aircraft Collection to remain as a legacy for future generations and as a tribute to those Australians who have served our country. Your donation goes directly to fund the care, restoration and preservation of our aircraft. Our conservation work is built on the foundation of individual donors like you.
How to Donate
- Make your Donation by Credit Card with Pay Pal to support the Cause of your choice
- Or, you can make a Donation by Bank Deposit direct to our Bank Account
- And you can apply to Donate an Artefact or Aircraft to our Collection
- A Donation of $2 or more to Hunter Fighter Collection Incorporated is Tax Deductible in Australia